When your organization knows its higher purpose:
- You attract and retain the best employees, partners and investors
- Your employees experience their work as meaningful and fulfilling
- You make a greater impact in the world
- You create a legacy that lasts and makes the world a better place
When business and deeper meaning are kept separate, your employees seek fulfillment elsewhere. Your stakeholders pay lip service to your organization’s goals, but don’t devote themselves fully. And the most common solutions, like donating a fraction of profits to charity or giving people time off to volunteer, does not make the work itself more purposeful and inspiring.
Imagine uncovering and unleashing the power of your collective deeper purpose. When you bring together inner wisdom and outer mastery, nothing can stop you from having the impact you are meant to make in the world.
This work is designed for your organization if you:
- Place a high value on innovation. You are adaptable and responsive to changes in your industry, and want to be an industry leader in your niche. You understand that embracing change is critical to your growth and sustainability.
- Know the old paradigms of business cannot sustain you, and are scanning the horizon for inspirational ways of evolving and recreating your business.
- Want to create a purposeful company, one that is organized around a higher vision that brings meaning and focus to work for your employees and stakeholders.
- Sense that mission, vision and values need to be more than dry statements on your website and annual report. You are searching for practical and authentic ways to inspire your people and provide clear direction, new strength and inner satisfaction.
- Want to leverage intuition and inspiration in setting your strategy. You appreciate that the best ideas often defy conventional logic, and know the value of following the heart and gut as well as head, and inner wisdom as well as logic and reason.
- Appreciate the need to be a sustainable company, built on delivering products and services that make a positive impact, in order to continue to attract the best employees, customers and partners.
To learn more, contact one of our most qualified and committed consultants on our list of Certified True Purpose® Organizational Purpose Consultants.