Registration for this program is now closed. We hope you will join us for a future True Purpose® Institute Program.
You’ve spent countless hours in training, self-discovery and personal transformation including meaningful work with parts of your own psyche. We don’t have to tell you how the practice of knowing, loving and appreciating all parts of yourself creates more ease, joy, harmony and outer success.
In your work as a coach, therapist, counselor, consultant, healer or other helping practitioner, you know your clients’ true power lies in looking at their role in creating the life they are living. How often do you sense that your client’s parts are clamoring for their attention, acting out, determined to be heard? How often have you witnessed powerful conversations and shifts with your client’s parts as you do this work with them?
The pivotal shifts in your client’s inner life as well as your outer experience are real and have a lasting impact! Do you have the expertise and experience that you need to facilitate this work with your clients with ease and confidence? Do you know what to do when the unexpected shows up in your sessions …as it’s bound to do? Does this hold you back from fully engaging in parts work with your clients?
For example, when your clients get stuck at the permission step in the True Purpose® process, you’re painfully aware (for them and for you) that without permission from the ego to access purpose information, the rest of the process can, and sometimes succeeds, in stalling and undermining your clients’ ability to get the results they seek and your ability to deliver them. What could be possible if you could offer your clients more substantial purpose manifestation services as an upsell to the True Purpose process?
We already know, as a certified or certifying True Purpose® Coach, that you have foundational training and skills to do parts work with your clients. You know that this deeper work can set you apart, amplify your impact, and expand your business potential. So are you embracing parts work fully as an integrated part of your business? And if not, why not?
Learn about how you can be fully equipped to work with your clients’ parts, without having to take longer, more expensive trainings such as Voice Dialogue, Internal Family Systems, NLP or other parts work methodologies here:
Chances are…your parts have some questions for you!
- You want to do what?
- How are you going to know when to bring parts work into your sessions? This is deep stuff!
- Do you know what you’re doing here?
- What are you going to do if something unexpected happens?
- How will you know which clients are ready for this deeper work and which are not?
- How can you even explain parts to your clients…especially the skeptical ones?
Would you like to have the support of experienced and knowledgeable guides to help you build your knowledge, skills, direct experience and confidence so you can have the transformative impact that you’re designed to bring to your clients and the world?
We’ve designed the Inner Harmony Practitioner Training (IHPT) to support practitioners like you, who know at a deep soul level that shifting the inner and outer experience of your clients shifts their energy and ultimately, the planet itself. You’re called to accelerate this shift. You’re ready to expand your reach and amplify your impact.
As a Certified or Certifying True Purpose Coach, we know you hear an unwavering call to amp up your skills, confidence and results, so we’re extending this invitation to join us in this unique and masterful program at a significantly reduced cost.
In this IHPT program you will:
- Increase your understanding of parts work and how it serves your clients
- Develop a better understanding of when and how to assign parts work to your clients… and what to do when you’re not sure what to do
- Deepen your expertise in Active Imagination with parts to help your clients identify and shift fears, obstacles, limiting beliefs and resistance… and also identify allies and supporters
- Work with your own resistant and supportive parts to amplify your success in bringing this work to your clients with confidence and ease
- Practice working with others’ parts and receive support and feedback to increase your confidence and skills in teaching your clients to work easily and effectively with their parts
This program includes some unique structures, designed to get you up and running quickly. Not only will we teach you advanced techniques that you can use with your parts and your clients’ parts, you could even wind up with new clients (and we won’t ask you for a referral fee!).
As an added benefit of this program, you will have access to Tim Kelley’s Inner Harmony Process teleseminar, an extremely powerful and popular 7-week program offered through The Shift Network, a $297 value, at no additional cost.
In addition to what you’ll be learning and experiencing in the Inner Harmony Practitioner Training, your access to the Inner Harmony Process classes will help you:
- Enhance your understanding and success level in the essential process of gaining permission from parts before diving headlong into an important new goal or intention (like manifesting a purpose!)
- Increase your appreciation of a simple method of helping your clients identify and have meaningful conversations with their parts
- Fortify your expertise and confidence in enrolling your clients’ blocking or sabotaging parts in supporting their goals and purpose (essential for the permission phase of the True Purpose process)
- Master a simple method for learning the higher purpose of any part
- Learn a method that you can use to completely transform any part of your psyche and help your clients transform any part of theirs (essential for manifesting purpose!)
We know from personal experience, as well as our own experience with clients and participants in our programs, that this is profound work. It’s not always pretty… or easy. Knowing you are meant to change the world is NOT the same thing as having permission to do it! Some of your parts get nervous just thinking about taking others through this work (note to self: talk to nervous parts!). Even your visionary, enthusiast, and true-believer parts want you to have the skills and confidence to know what to do when things come up that are unexpected, difficult… and ripe with opportunity for your clients. After all, your parts have your best interests at heart!
The pace of global transformation is accelerating, and the world needs you to do your part! It is our mission, to help you, and all of your parts, to live the life you desire and contribute the transformational gifts you are meant to bring to the world.
We’d love to have you and all your parts with us on this journey. Will you join us to co-create more peace, healing and joy for all?
Imagining the possibilities for you, your clients and the planet when you share the gift of inner harmony and outer success with your clients,
Beth Scanzani, Catherine Mitchell and Tim Kelley
Read what former Inner Harmony Practitioner Training
graduates are saying:
“The Inner Harmony Process Training was powerful, insightful, and supported a key perspective change in my work. Now I have external corroboration that, rather than looking for “nasty gremlins that need to be weeded out,” it is more useful to help my clients (and myself!) compassionately hear and understand how to integrate the parts of our psyche that are always working for our best, even if at times inexpertly. I strongly recommend experiencing this work.”
~Deborah Huisken, PCC, Dancing Star International
“After completing this training I was able to more quickly assist my patients in shifting long-standing resistance to healthy behaviors and create more ease and health in their physical bodies. I recommend it highly!”
~Dr. Cynthia McGrath, DNP, FNP-BC
“As I continue my journey in both learning and living my purpose, I have found parts work to be invaluable. Learning to find what the part’s higher purpose is and its perspective on things has provided a shift in how I approach things. While coaching, I am aware of a part that is coming forward and I can educate and guide my clients in a much deeper way.”
~BB, Certified True Purpose® Coach
“I learned a simple version of parts work many years ago. However, the practitioner-focused Inner Harmony Practitioner Training has amplified and strengthened what I offer so that my clients achieve even more potent breakthroughs. As someone whose livelihood revolves around inner transformation work, and as a trained True Purpose® Coach, this methodology for parts work is a vital element in my Medicine Bag. It’s been crucial for introducing people to a powerful first step in their personal growth and transformation in our work together.”
~Bobbye Middendorf, Trained True Purpose® Coach
About Beth Scanzani
Beth Scanzani is a trusted guide for evolving souls who feel an unshakable calling to wholly embrace a more purposeful life and livelihood. A lifelong student and curious soul, she loves exploring and integrating widely sourced knowledge, resources, and strategies that draw upon psychological, scientific, and spiritual teachings.
As a multi-faceted transformational coach, teacher and speaker, Beth demonstrates her deep dedication to helping people reveal clear and resonant details about life purpose and compelling life dreams. Weaving inner work with outer world strategies, Beth guides and teaches them to navigate their way through uncertainly and restrained momentum so they can confidently offer their unique gifts to others…and to the world we share.
Beth has co-developed and/or co-taught many tele-seminars for the True Purpose® Institute, The Shift Network™ and other purposeful partners. These courses include: Purposeful Coach Training, Blessing Yourself, Inner Harmony, Inner Harmony Practitioner Training, Higher Guidance Advanced Intensive, Creating from Higher Guidance, Purposeful Marketing and Voice Dialogue Mastery. Beth also serves as a valued guide for those who wish to explore deeper meaning, insight and guidance through their sleeping dreams and waking life stories. She co-developed and teaches an NASW CEU eligible seminar for therapists, coaches and other practitioners who want to increase their competence and confidence in accessing the treasures buried in sleeping dreams.
Beth has numerous coaching certifications including True Purpose® Coach, Master Career Coach, Dream Coach™, iPEC Empowerment Coach™, Energy Leadership Master™ and Theoretical Foundations of Coaching with David Rock. Beth is enrolled in Jeffrey Van Dyk’s Tribal Marketing™ certification program and is a also trained and devoted practitioner for Voice Dialogue™ and certified practitioner for Lion Goodman’s Belief Closet™ process. Prior to her transition into teaching and coaching in support of evolving consciousness, Beth enjoyed a successful career as a human resources executive in the high tech and health care industries. These days, she is truly honored to have the privilege of connecting, at deep and meaningful levels, with individuals and groups across the globe to facilitate purposeful transformation and inner harmony.
About Catherine Mitchell
Catherine Mitchell is a coach, facilitator and teacher for emerging change agents and leaders who desire to play full out in their engagement with the world. It is her life’s purpose to give voice to that which cannot be heard and to help people use their gifts in a world that is both desperate to receive them and conflicted by their presence. With a persistent pulse of fierce loving kindness, Catherine is relentless in her advocacy for all voices being heard.
She sees the world and everything in it with the potential to be a learning moment. Catherine is committed to ensuring that learning efforts are sustainable and participants have access to tools they can use and benefit from long after an initial learning event has taken place.
In addition to more than twenty five years in Sales & Marketing roles in Corporate Canada and ten years as Curator of The JoyfulProfit Movement where she works with the voices in the Client-Supplier Relationship to heal and transform the dysfunction thwarting the potential for them both to experience joy and profit, Catherine is a licensed Inner Harmony Practitioner, trained True Purpose®Coach and Organizational Purpose Consultant, a Clear Your Beliefs™ Practitioner, a Collaborative Operating System Practitioner, a Collaborative Team Leadership Graduate and a Certification Candidate in Tribal Marketing.
Catherine is an enthusiastic graduate of the Inner Harmony Practitioner Training program and the Inner Harmony Process approach to parts work is an essential part of her transformational arts toolkit. She can’t wait to share with you her wisdom and insights from adding parts work to her practice so you too can amplify your impact and fortify your practice with this essential transformational tool.
About Tim Kelley
Tim Kelley is a global change agent and internationally renowned expert on organizational higher purpose. He works with top leaders in many fields and countries to transform organizations and define and implement the new paradigm of business. Tim’s True Purpose® methodology has been featured internationally in magazines, newspapers and on television. Tim has trained over 1000 consultants, therapists and coaches in his methods. He has worked with hundreds of CEOs, including top leaders and executive teams from such companies as Nabisco, ING, Oracle, Lexmark and AOL. He formerly worked as a leader at Oracle, two levels below the CEO. He is the author of True Purpose and the best-selling coauthor of three other books. Tim has commanded military organizations, including an amphibious assault craft unit, and is a retired Naval Reserve officer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from MIT.