Since you’ve found your way here, we know you’re committed to co-creating a new paradigm world through your work.
We imagine that you are ready to expand, amplify, and connect with others on the same path. You most likely already have a certain level of success, yet it’s time to take it all to a new level, to do your part in the great shift and turning.
As part of the True Purpose® community, you’ve entered a circle where you can be seen, your wisdom heard, and your contribution supported and magnified. This is our passion: To support you in having the inner alignment and access to guided wisdom you need to have the impact you are meant to make.
You may be feeling curious and excited — or skeptical and a bit afraid. Or all of the above. These are very good signs that you are in the right place!
Whether you are just starting to answer the call to make a positive difference or you are looking to connect with a community to magnify your calling — know that it’s possible to thrive as change agent and messenger!
At the True Purpose® Institute, we have supported thousands of change agents in shifting to purposeful work that makes a positive difference, and we are here to help you. Your first resource is a handbook that outlines the path for change agents and messengers, Answering the Call: Everything You Wanted to Know About Changing the World (But Were Afraid to Ask)
Download your copy of the handbook here:
Here are some suggestions to make best use of this handbook:
- See your possible future as a change agent on page 3. Do you want to know who you will become as you change the world? The impact your purpose can have? Find out!
- See page 6 of the handbook to find out what kind of change agent you might be. Given your chosen strategy for creating transformation, what skills will you need?
Delving into Answering the Call spells out for you several ways to amplify your impact and accelerate your growth and development as you live your mission as an agent of change, messenger, and purposeful difference-maker.
By joining our community, you have also received a membership to the Gathering for Change Agents. This is a no-fee virtual open-hearth circle for those called to make a better world — a way to build connections between spiritual communities, amplifying the collective, while providing tools and inspiration on the path. We are in our fifth year with over 1000 members, and every month we bring in a thought leader to guide us in one area that you’ll need to master in order to participate in the greatest project of our time: creating heaven on earth. We’ll also share our wisdom in small and large group discussions, and provide a variety of recommended resources to take your mastery of the month’s topic deeper, ranging from no-fee to fee-based. All past events are available for browsing at our Audio Archive.
As a Gathering member, you will be receiving detailed information about upcoming speakers. We meet the first Wednesday of every month for 90 minutes at 12 Noon Pacific Time.
Here is the information you’ll need to join our Zoom meeting:
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We are thrilled to welcome you into this tribe of change agents and messengers. Now let’s ALL change the world — together!
In shared purpose,
The True Purpose® Community