with Tim Kelley, Tom Rausch and Susan Alexander
plus mentor coaches Chris Taylor and Marta Buraye
As a change agent, you are called to show the way to a better world. Yet, the impact you can make is very limited when you only connect one person at a time to their higher purpose. Looking back, everything you’ve done up to now may have been only a warm up for what you really came here to do.
Imagine connecting organizations, teams and groups to their collective inner wisdom as your day job, unifying the inner and outer tools you already bring to the table. Imagine leading a much larger wave of change, by transforming collectives into instruments of purpose that bring higher guidance into the board room. Join us to heal the split between what you know is possible and the reality of current business practices.
This advanced consultant training is for you if you:
- Are a leader or consultant with experience aligning teams and/or organizations
- Know your higher purpose through your trusted source of inner wisdom.
- Have completed the True Purpose® Coach Training to facilitate the process with individuals, or will have completed your training by the time this program begins. The Coach Training is a pre-requisite of the Consultant Training.
- Have either completed the True Purpose® Coach Certification program, or will start by the time this training begins. The Coach Certification is a co-requisite of the Consultant Certification.
- Are called to expand your higher purpose work to transform groups, teams, organizations and other collectives.
- Know you are meant to help heal the artificial split between business and inner wisdom.
- Are a Trained True Purpose® Organizational Consultant wanting a refresher that includes all the latest developments (contact us for your special discounted rate)
With this training you will receive all of the following:
- 12 weekly 1.5-hour Zoom interactive webinar sessions (with downloadable audio archives)
- Periodic facilitated mastermind sessions with schedule TBD
- A dedicated peer practice group for the duration of the course
- 6 months of monthly facilitated mastermind support following the program
- A complete manual of every technique, method and step in the process
- A temporary license to use this process with your practicum organizational clients for up to one year following the program
- Mentor assessment for licensing as a Certified True Purpose® Organizational Consultant
Future Course Dates TBD: 12 Training Sessions plus 6 monthly masterminds to follow
- Training Call Times: 12noon – 1:30 pm Pacific Time
- Mastermind Call Times: To be determined by class participants
- Audio available: Audio of all training calls will be available, usually within 24 hours
True Purpose® Organizational Consultant Training and Certification plus Coach Certification, including the Consultant Fastrack version of the required Coach Certification program:
- Registration: $4995 + $4795 = $9790
- Deposit plus 11 monthly payments
- The registration process includes an application to ensure you meet the prerequisites. If your application is not accepted, your full deposit will be refunded.
Register For TPOCT Plus Coach Certification
NOTE: If you have already entered or completed the True Purpose® Coach Certification program, we are able to offer you this version of the training:
True Purpose® Organizational Consultant Training and Certification, for those who have already enrolled in the required Coach Certification program.
- Registration: $4995
- Deposit plus 9 monthly payments
- The registration process includes an application to ensure you meet the prerequisites. If your application is not accepted, your full deposit will be refunded.
We have designed this program specifically for those who are called to increase their impact as a masterful agent of change at the organizational level and higher. If you have any questions, you are welcome to send an email to: consultanttraining@clearchangegroup.com.
Join us and the community of committed True Purpose® organizational consultants if you are called!
About Tim Kelley
Tim Kelley is a global change agent and internationally renowned expert on organizational higher purpose. He works with top leaders in many fields and countries to transform organizations and define and implement the new paradigm of business. Tim’s True Purpose® methodology has been featured internationally in magazines, newspapers and on television. Tim has trained over 1000 consultants, therapists and coaches in his methods. He has worked with hundreds of CEOs, including top leaders and executive teams from such companies as Nabisco, ING, Oracle, Lexmark and AOL.
Tim formerly worked as a leader at Oracle, two levels below the CEO. He is the author of True Purpose and the best-selling coauthor of three other books. Tim has commanded military organizations, including an amphibious assault craft unit, and is a retired Naval Reserve officer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from MIT.
About Tom Rausch
Tom Rausch, CEO of Leadership Beyond Limits, is an organizational culture change consultant and leadership coach who helps CEO’s improve overall team cohesion among the top leadership team while developing a high-performance conscious culture of coaching throughout the entire organization. He works primarily with large organizations with leadership teams spread across the globe and has developed deep expertise in creating sustainable and scalable transformation across many cultures. Clients include industry innovation leaders like Accenture with leaders from many different cultures; including India, Argentina, USA, China, the EU and others.
Tom holds several advanced certifications in executive and leadership coaching including Social + Emotional Intelligence coaching, Team Performance coaching, & MasterMind Executive coaching. He is also a Certified CTT Culture Change Consultant with expertise in creating values-driven, whole-system change using the Barrett Values Center Cultural Transformation Tools & the Appreciative Inquiry approach developed at Case Western Reserve University. His formal education includes a BA in Psychology from Lawrence University and advanced studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Masters Program in Continuing Adult Vocational Education.
About Susan Alexander
Susan Alexander, MBA, PCC, Founder of Rosebud Coaching and Consulting, LLC has worked with individuals and organizations to create new possibilities for their personal and professional life to fulfill on their most important goals and aspirations. Discovering one’s individual and organizational purpose is a key offering of her work as she guides her clients to clarify their unique gifts, talents and capabilities in service of work that makes a difference for their clients, community and the world. Her coaching practice emphasizes the power of self-awareness, emotional intelligence and communications and their influence on the quality of relationships, performance and success.
Prior to her coaching work, Susan worked in the financial services industry serving in a variety of roles including commercial lender, chief quality officer, community development officer, and investment product manager. This extensive business background combined with the individual and leadership development work gives Susan a unique understanding and sensitivity to the issues and concerns of managers and leaders.
Susan is also an Adjunct Faculty Member of Otterbein University. She is the sole leader of a four-course leadership series made available to adult continuing studies students. This series focuses on developing transformational leadership skills and expanding student’s capabilities. Programs focus on creating awareness of one’s capabilities and barriers, emotional intelligence, communication skills, team building, effective conflict resolution and designing and implementing a “Breakthrough Project”.
Her certifications include True Purpose® Coaching, True Purpose® Organizational Consulting, Newfield Network Ontological Coaching, Conversational Intelligence®, Certified Financial Coach, Certified Walking your Talk Practitioner, MBTI , and EQi. She holds a BS in Medical Communications and a MBA from The Ohio State University.
About Chris Taylor
Chris was the very first certified True Purpose® coach in the world, and is the current Mentor Coach of the True Purpose® Institute Coach Certification Program and the Lead Trainer of the small-group coaching license Program. She is also a member of the True Purpose® Institute Leader Team. She comes with 20 years experience in Logistical Planning and Human Resources from the high tech manufacturing arena. She pauses and breathes with leaders and change agents not yet living in their highest purpose.
Acerca de Marta Lucía Buraye
Es coach certificada y mentora del True Purpose® Institute y co-autora del programa VPV Valores-Propósito y Visión para familias. Es abogada, con especialización en contratos y negocios internacionales, asesora de empresas de familia y coach ontológico, corporal y transformacional. Apoya a hombres y mujeres que están buscando un propósito y un sentido en su vida. Sus experiencias a través de los años, su recorrido de vida, y la profundización en diferentes áreas, le han otorgado herramientas para desarrollar su propia metodología de empoderamiento para que las personas cambien la forma de ver la vida para siempre, y descubran que todo lo que necesitan está dentro de ellos. En la última década su experiencia se ha integrado para ofrecer acompañamiento a las personas, grupos y familias en diferentes áreas tales como: empoderamiento, propósito de vida, liderazgo, sentido de vida, cómo encontrar el poder interior, cómo llevar de la intención a la acción, planes de manifestación, integración de lo femenino y masculino, esquemas de creación de valores y visión hacia el futuro, entre otros.
This extraordinary program is much more than a vocational training; it is a profound, life-transforming process. It is designed for those who are serious about increasing their impact as masterful agents of change to the organizational level and higher. If you have questions, please send an email to: truepurpose@clearchangegroup.com
Join our community of committed True Purpose® organizational consultants if you are called!