Beth Scanzani is a trusted guide for evolving souls who feel an unshakable calling to wholly embrace a more purposeful life and livelihood. A lifelong student and curious soul, she loves exploring and integrating widely sourced knowledge, resources, and strategies that draw upon psychological, scientific, and spiritual teachings.
As a multi-faceted transformational coach, teacher and speaker, Beth is devoted to helping people reveal clear and resonant details about life purpose and compelling life dreams. Weaving inner work with outer world strategies, Beth guides and teaches clients to navigate their way through uncertainly and resistance so they can confidently offer their unique gifts to others…and to the world we share.
Beth has co-developed and/or co-taught many tele-seminars with the True Purpose® Institute, The Shift Network™ and other purposeful partners (see below). She is a also a co-host for the monthly Gathering for Change Agents calls. One of Beth’s deepest passions is serving as a teacher and valued guide for people who wish to discover deeper meaning, insight and guidance in their sleeping dreams and waking life stories : ).
Do you long to experience a trusting, agile and more rewarding relationship with your both your soul-guided trusted source and all the aspects of your embodied self that have an opinion about who you are and what you’re wanting to be and do? What could you be and do in this life if you had that kind of 24×7 support and guided momentum?
If you’re ready to embrace the essential truth of who you are and what you’re here to do…and you could benefit by having easier access to the clarity, courage and support you need to fulfill your deepest desires, contact Beth at: or
True Purpose Institute and Shift Network –
Course Development, Teaching and/or Coach Facilitation:
- Certified True Purpose® Coach
- True Purpose® Process
- Purposeful Coach Training Facilitator
- Blessing Details
- Inner Harmony Parts Transformation for Practitioners
- Voice Dialogue
- Massive Belief Relief
- Creating from Higher Guidance
- Higher Guidance Advanced Training
- Opening to Sacred Guidance
- Divine Guidance on Purpose
- Evolving Beyond Your Wounds
- Purposeful Marketing and Transformational Fee Setting
Additional Coaching Certifications, Training and Memberships:
- Certified Dream Coach™
- Certified Empowerment Coach ™ – iPEC
- Certified Core Energy Coach ™ – iPEC
- Certified Master Career Consultant – CPI
- Certified Belief Closet ™ Practitioner – Lion Goodman
- Certification Candidate for Tribal Marketing – Jeffrey Van Dyk
- Voice Dialogue Practitioner and Teacher
- Voice Dialogue Mastery Co-Developer and Teacher
- Intuitive Mastery
- Energy Leadership Assessment™ – iPEC
- Theoretical Foundations of Coaching – David Rock
- Executing Breakthrough Strategies – Columbia University
- Collaborative Operating Systems
- Dream Work Coach, Teacher and Group Facilitator
- Dream Work Group Facilitator, Guide and Teacher
- Member ICF
- Member International Association for the Study of Dreams