A client I’ll call Rob was thrilled with the purpose that he found.
- His purpose essence was “the peace of presence in the moment.”
- His purpose impact was “to bring peace and wholeness to those who are in conflict.”
- His purpose mission was “to create peace and safety for all women and to create brotherhood among all men.”
Yet he had strong mixed feelings about actually living his purpose, and felt stuck. Rob was reassured to learn that this is more often the case than not, and that there was a straightforward way to resolve the situation.
Together we took a look at what parts of him were in the way. We identified several:
- The Judge was saying “This purpose is ridiculous.”
- The Evaluator was saying “Don’t get too big for your britches.”
- The Minimizer was saying “Don’t have too much or you’ll hurt other people.”
Then we explored what each misaligned part needed to allow Rob to pursue his purpose, and negotiated several agreements to meet their needs:
- I include feedback from others in prioritizing programs and making related decisions.
- I am willing to say what I don’t know and get help if needed
- I check in to see what my parts need on a weekly basis
- I stay in touch with my heart and humility
- I take the time for self-feedback after every program I deliver, to check that I am truly serving others.
With these agreements in place, Rob’s inner world settled down into greater alignment, and he was able to move forward with clarity.
What stops you from fulfilling the purpose that calls you, and what parts of you need some care?