When I was a commanding officer in the Navy, part of my job was training junior officers and senior non-commissioned officers who had recently been promoted to positions of authority. Enlisted sailors who had attained a rank that enabled them to give orders were shocked to find that their juniors didn’t necessarily do what they said. If you’ve spent any continue reading…
True Purpose® Community Blog
What is Yours To Do in the Midst of So Much?
My heart aches with the increasing amounts of suffering, unmet need, and dysfunction being revealed every day around the globe. It’s painful to see how little we have evolved as a society, and eye opening to recognize that the Western World can no longer pretend to hold moral authority in so many ways. In deep conversations with both liberals and conservatives, continue reading…
How to Act on a Calling That Scares You
Do you feel a calling that’s been tugging more and more strongly on your heart and soul, yet totally spooks you at the same time? It’s that funny paradox — you wouldn’t be so moved by this calling unless it did involve something bigger than what you think you can do right now. When something feels this big, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed at continue reading…
What Does it Mean to Be a Purpose Coach?
If the thought of connecting others to their inner guidance and higher purpose inspires you, you’ll enjoy Brandon Peele’s wonderful interview of Trained True Purpose® Coach Andy Swindler on what it means to become a purpose coach. If you feel a tug in your soul, we do have an upcoming True Purpose Coach® Training that starts February 8th. To learn continue reading…
My Journey with Voice Dialogue – a Powerful Tool
As I started my True Purpose® journey back in 2014, my primary objective was to strengthen my connection with my Trusted Source. I had listened to Tim’s introductory call where he mentioned that a 24/7 connection was a possibility. I also remember him talking about common reasons as to why people didn’t – among them was being asked to do continue reading…
My Mission is WHAT?!
For a long time, I have felt that the universe has a perverse sense of humor. So when I received my mission upgrade earlier this year to “bring all of creation into communion” I felt like Noah in the Bill Cosby skit – “Riiiight.” I sat there barely able to breathe and stunned. One of my first thoughts was “well, continue reading…