You’ve probably heard “You must be the change you want to see.” But how do you ensure a transformation endures? If you don’t align your outer actions with your new inner wisdom, nothing actually changes. Back in the 80’s, as a Certified Rolfer—a form of deep tissue bodywork focusing on structural alignment—I encountered a powerful lesson through a prison guard client. continue reading…
Taking Purposeful Action
When Your Brain Hijacks Your Best Intentions: Understanding Productive Procrastination
Have you ever noticed that even with clear purposeful goals and a good time management system, certain critical projects are still not moving forward? It’s often the projects with the greatest potential impact that cause us to drag our feet. The Paradox of Important Projects Perhaps you’ve blocked out time to work on that book you’ve been developing for the continue reading…
Tuning Into Your Purpose: Inner Wisdom Opens New Doors
Have you ever wondered how some people seem to effortlessly attract the right opportunities? The secret might lie in uncovering your life purpose. The Power of Purpose Life often presents unexpected opportunities when you discover your purpose through inner wisdom. This isn’t about magical thinking; rather, by opening yourself to internal guidance, you become more attuned to possibilities you might continue reading…
Is It Resistance or Simply Not Your Path?
Have you ever felt blocked from pursuing something you deeply desire? This resistance might manifest as fear, confusion, lethargy, or overwhelm. You might even resent the effort this new direction seems to demand. When facing resistance to positive change, how do you uncover the truth of the situation? How can you determine if what’s stopping you is a part of continue reading…
Is Your Work Aligned With Your Purpose?
There are several clues that will let you know if your work is out of alignment with what you came here to do: You feel bored, restless, and disengaged. You feel burned out, stressed, and often dread facing another work day. You have lost the passion and enthusiasm you used to have for your role. Your values feel compromised or violated continue reading…
The Aikido of Moving Through Fear Into Purposeful Wholeness
Fear seems to be an integral part of the human experience – once you overcome the fears in front of you, new ones emerge as you open to bigger opportunities. This is especially true if you feel called to a mission or audacious goal that is stretching you to the limit — it’s likely that doubts and fears are crowding your continue reading…