You’ve heard the saying “You must be the change you want to see” and “You can’t create a new paradigm with old paradigm thinking.” What does that mean, really? And then, once we’ve shifted our thinking, how do we change our actions and priorities to embody the inner wisdom we’ve gained? Back in the 80’s I was a Certified Rolfer, continue reading…
True Purpose® Community Blog
Your Purpose is Never Too Small
It is an interesting phenomenon in the Western world where many of us who are involved in self development/self awareness (or whatever language you choose to use) have a notion that we “should” have an earth shatteringly big purpose….that we were put on earth to move mountains (proverbially speaking). I know people who have an “inferiority complex” and have a continue reading…
A Pathway Towards Partnership
One of the tenets in the True Purpose ® work, is that once a person has found their purpose, it is important to create a lifelong partnership with one’s Trusted Source (Inner Wisdom) and egoic parts. The more that one grasps and executes in this manner, the easier it becomes to embody and live one’s life purpose. The promise of continue reading…
Stop Pushing When You Need to Be Sharpening
When the demands on your time start to feel overwhelming, is your natural response to start pushing to get things done and fit everything in? It happens to nearly all of us, and the cost of that automatic response is huge. It could even be a major factor preventing you from fulfilling the mission that calls you. There’s an old story continue reading…
How to Find Ground in the Midst of Upheaval
Polarization appears to be closer to the surface today – and all sides report the stress and distress arising from having to hold polar opposites in the same space at the same time. A lot is at stake as we shape the future of how we operate as a society. In order to see clearly and make purposeful choices about continue reading…
The Longest Journey
One of my mentors once said to me “the longest journey you will ever make is the 18” (or 450mm) between your head and your heart.” Profound. And for me at that point in time both poignant and prophetic. I have spent my whole life (or at least the bits I remember) oscillating between my head and my heart….but not continue reading…