Living in alignment with your purposeful flow feels fabulous – it’s a place of deep authenticity, passion, power and meaning. When you’re living your higher purpose, what you’re doing and allowing yourself to be is much more fulfilling than anything else, and you’re better at it than anything else. It’s easier to succeed because, well, you’re doing and being what continue reading…
True Purpose® Community Blog
Do You Need Self-Love?
When was the last time you sent some love your way? It’s a common predicament, including those who consider themselves a loving person, to neglect giving that compassionate love to yourself. When you’re the last person to receive your own love, it creates a painful split in the psyche that may be hidden. Part of you becomes your own neglected continue reading…
From Overwhelm to Smooth Sailing
As the new year unfolds, are you feeling overwhelmed with everything you intend to do? Life is certainly more complicated than it used to be. With all the systems to maintain, options to chose from, and details to manage, we have a huge abundance of possible commitments in the Western world. This “overwhelm of success” also applies to service-based entrepreneurs. continue reading…
How to Regain Center When You Are Triggered
With the amount of polarization and the pandemic going on these days, there is no shortage of opportunity to get reactive. And when you are caught in reactivity, the perceived threat (real or imagined) takes you out of your neocortex and into your reptilian brain, which has a rapid-fire response to perceived threats. Yet, to fulfill your purpose and make the continue reading…
Do You Need the Gift of Your Purpose?
Are you able to pursue your purpose? Do old wounds interfere with the fulfillment of your most purposeful path? If so, it’s likely you find yourself spending significant resources and energy to heal those wounds, so you won’t get triggered by them. If this is true for you, imagine instead having a purpose-directed life, where you feel tremendous inner freedom continue reading…
Clear the Path to Living Your Purpose
What stops you from living the truth of your calling? When you feel the tug of a calling, it’s common to have a part of you tell you that you are not “good enough” to pursue your purpose or that it’s not safe to live it. This creates an inner push-pull between reluctant parts of you and the visionary part continue reading…